At an EMAV-Workshop session end of April in Barcelona experts for the manufacturing and use of autogenous vaccines (AV) from all over Europe discussed aspects and expected consequences in the implementation of Reg. (EU) 2019/6 for AV thoroughly – based on the presentations “Expected next steps and timelines for the development of a GMP guideline for AV by EMA/GMDP IWG” by António Azevedo (Senior Scientific Specialist GMP, Quality and Safety of Medicines Department, European Medicines Agency).
Klaus-Peter Behr, Chair of EMAV, presented an overview and update about “The process of implementation of Reg. (EU) 2019/6”, with special regard to the “EMAV comments on: Targeted stakeholder consultation for the EMA Scientific Advice on GMP”, presented to the European Commission beginning of the year.
In a second session EMAV representatives discussed aspects of use of AV in practice, prepared by the EMAV Practice advisory Group. A large part of the consideration was taken up by questions for conditions applicable for use of veterinary autogenous vaccines, the epidemiological circumstances and the responsibilities of the prescribing veterinarian.
The Workshop was followed by the Annual EMAV General Assembly, which dealt in particular with the regulations required by the articles of the association and the election of Astrid Weiss, AGES/Austria and Javier Sanz, Calier/Spain as additional members of the EMAV Executive Board.
In Barcelona Gerfried Zeller, Managing Director of EMAV, could welcome RB VAC, autovaccine & vet laboratory, as a renewed associated member from Poland, represented by Dorota Suchecka and Karolina Kowalewska, aditionally.
A next EMAV Workshop – in preparation of the 10th EMAV General Assembly - was announced for May 2025 in Berlin/Germany.